Design Award for Light and Lighting 2009

カテゴリ アワード
タイプ International, Award, Open, Single-Stage
ジャンル Lighting
開催地 Japan
登録締切日 30 January 2009 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 30 January 2009 (Must be Received)
応募資格 All
対象作品 The project must be practically implemented and disclosed to the public in the period from January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2008.

Work to be honored
The Design Award for Light and Lighting is to be awarded to the work having excellent design as follows:

(1)The work that create space and the environment by means of light and lighting
Architectural lighting, performance by illumination, CG in consideration of the effect of light, etc.

(2)Creation of lighting environment in consideration of effective use of energy
Illuminating plan and lighting design method, effective application of the natural lighting, etc. in consideration of energy saving

(3)Excellent design of the Illuminating equipment that is well balanced in function / performance / shape
Development of equipment having excellent light-distribution characteristics, efficiency, shape etc., and development of illuminating equipment having excellent design

Lighting experts

A certificate of merit and an extra prize will be awarded to a winner

Entry Fee

Submission Address
“Design Award for Light and Lighting” of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
(SHOMEI GAKKAI), Suitaya Building 3 F
2-8-4, Kandatsukasamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
101-0048, Japan

Result announcement: End of April, 2009

Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ)

Official Website