University of Bath, Proposed Centre for Creative Arts


McInnes Usher McKnight Architects (MUMA) have been chosen to design a new inter-disciplinary Arts Complex on a prominent site within the University of Bath’s Claverton Down campus. The new facility will replace existing facilities and provide for significant innovation and expansion.

MUMA were chosen following a two stage competition which initially attracted interest from over 80 practices. Only five were invited to prepare initial concept sketches and present these to a panel of judges, which included University representatives and RIBA architect adviser Sir Jeremy Dixon.

The jury panel enjoyed MUMA’s ‘round the table’ style presentation, which demonstrated how the practice had carefully considered flexibility of use, the character of the space, nice use of light, and interesting ideas for drawing in the landscape. The panel felt the practice would engage well with the University and the students.

John Struthers, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Interdisciplinary Arts (ICIA) said: “We were very impressed with the high calibre of the shortlisted teams, but MUMA’s proposals really captured the essence of what we were trying to achieve with this new complex. Their concept is intelligent, flexible and attractive, and we look forward to working with them on this project”.

MUMA will work with the University representatives to develop a detailed design and move the project forward.


バース大学のClaverton Downキャンパスにおける芸術複合施設の実施コンペ。

カテゴリ 実施コンペ / コンペ結果
タイプ International Architecture Project Competition
ジャンル Education
開催地 UK
登録締切日 30 May 2007 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 30 May 2007
応募資格 Architects

The new facility will both replace existing facilities and provide for significant innovation and expansion. It should make a statement about the quality and diversity of arts provision on the campus. The University aspires to developing a building of the highest architectural quality, and also to achieving the highest standards of sustainability in this and all its new construction projects.

University of Bath / RIBA

Sir jeremy Dixon, RIBA Architectural Adviser
Professor Glynis Breakwell, Vice-Chancellor
Professor Jane Miller, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
John Struthers, Director of the Institute of Contemporary and Interdisciplinary Arts
Professor Alan Day, Dean of Engineering and Design
Patrick Finch, Director of Estates
Simon Jutton, Head of Development, Arts Council England South West
Nick Howkins, Project Manager

Competition Type
Stage 1: Expression of interest
Stage 2: Initial concept sketches / competitive interview

GBP 5,000 will be paid to architects invited to stage tow

Entry Fee

Maximum 20 single side A4 pages include detail of previous projects, CV, etc.

Official Website