Urbantine Project 2008 - Fast Architecture Competition

コンペ結果 Japanese Flag

Nearly 100 suitable entries were submitted from 19 different countries.


Open Tables Ecology
Alexander Kohlhofer and Fabio Barone (software developer) and Amalie Lauer (engineer) / UK


The Cabinet Room
Amenity Space / UK


araki+sasaki architects / Japan


The Jelly Box
Ar'Chic / UK


The Mountain
CGC / Denmark


labRAD / Netherlands


Sensual Immersion
NAU / Switzerland


Nissen Adams / UK


Minimal Membrane Tent
Ocean / UK


Situ Studio
Solar Pavilion 3 / USA



カテゴリ 実施コンペ / コンペ結果
タイプ Temporary Structure Project Competition
ジャンル Temporary-Structure
開催地 London
登録締切日 10 June 2008 GoogleCal iCal
提出締切日 10 June 2008
応募資格 All

Tent London’s fast architecture competition seeks to redress this issue, affording the winning entry the chance to put their design in front of the world's press and the industry’s most influential players during London Design Week at Tent London, Truman Brewery, Brick Lane. The winning entry will also have the opportunity to engage with an organisation, Workspace Group, which aims to provide progressive, appropriate, affordable and considered workspace accommodation for London’s creative industries.

We want you to tackle the issue of rapid change in the 21st century workplace, such as the phenomenal rise in the use of digital technology and its impact on our work and office environments. Tremendous claims are made as to its possible effect on our communication, social interaction, mobility, productivity and creativity.

Working lives: Do these developments really enable us to maximise our potential or do they make our lives over-complicated?
Working tools: Is design practice becoming excessively computer-reliant or does this technology radically transform the way we shape our world?

Nick Crosbie, Inflate
Sarah Ichioka, London Festival of Architecture
Ben Kelly, BKD
Kieran Long, The Architects’ Journal
Jimmy MacDonald & Ian Rudge, Tent London
John Nordon, IDE Architecture
Harry Platt, Workspace Group PLC
Kerstin Zumstein, On Office

Judging Process
Two-Stage, Anonymous Competition

- £10K materials, construction & disassembly budget.
- Free venue for 4 days at Tent London, Truman Brewery, Brick Lane.
- Access to over 35,000 designers and architects during the London Design Festival.

Entry Fee

1. The Scenario - Write a short scenario that responds to the brief. Max. 200 words.
2. The Design – Design a physical installation (6m L x 5m W x 4m H) which demonstrates your solution to your
scenario. This should take the form of 2 x A2 boards.
3. The Installation – Show us how the structure would be assembled in 48 hours and disassembled &
packaged in 24 hours. This should take the form of 2 x A2 boards.

Submission Address
Workspace Group Urbantine Project I Tent London,
Shoreditch Town Hall, 380 Old Street, London, EC1V 9LT

Ten short-list announced: 18 June 2008
Winner announced: 2 July 2008
Winner will prepare for public appearance at Tent London from 18-21 September 2008 during the London Design Festival.
Winner begins assembly on site on 15 September 2008

Past winners
Example of fast architecture

Tent London and Wrokspace Group

Official Website