Authors: Team "ARCVS": Branislav Redžić, Dragan Ivanović, Zoran Milovanović, Zoran Đorović, Vesna Milojević, Boris Husanović, Marko Todorović, Predrag Stefanović, structural consultant: Sreto Kuzmanović
Authors: Sou Fujimoto Architects, consultant Ove Arup Japan.
Authors: Dejan Miljković, Jovan Mitrović, Aleksandar Rodić, associates: Miloš Milivojević, Vuk Lukić, Dejan Mitrović, Aida Hadžiahmetović, Iva Olujić.
Authors:" MX_SI architectural studio", Boris Bežan, Hector Mendoza Ramirez, Mara Gabriela, Partida Muňoz, Oscar Espinosa, Olga Bombač.
Authors: "TERRITORIO ARANEA SLP", Martin Lopes Robles, Luis Navarro Jover, Federico Tomas Serrano, Marta Garcia Chico, Cristina Aleson, Crsitiva Jovar
Authors: Janghwan Cheon, Derik Eckhardt, Felipe Colin, Christopher Paulsen, Donghyun Kim, Jonathan Culp, Gabee Cho.
Authors: Luca Catalano, Massimo Acito, Marco Burrascano, Annalisa Metta, Luca Reale, Catarina Rogai, Piera Carcassi, Serena Muccitelli, coauthors: Marta Spadaro, Livia Valentini, Lorenzo Senni.
カテゴリ | 実施コンペ / コンペ結果 |
タイプ | International, Preliminary Design, Open, Single-Stage, Anonymous |
ジャンル | Public, Waterfront |
開催地 | Belgrade, Serbia |
登録締切日 | 25 March 2011 GoogleCal iCal |
提出締切日 | 28 April 2011 (Must be Received) GoogleCal |
応募資格 | Registered architects |
The City of Belgrade is launching an international one-stage architectural competition to design the Beton Hala Waterfront Center in Belgrade. The Waterfront Center is envisioned as the principal new access point from the capital's riverfront to its historic core, and a contemporary architectural anchor point for a vibrant pedestrian zone in one of the city's oldest continually inhabited parts.
Subject of the competition
The subject of the architectural competition is the preparation of the Preliminary Architectural Design for the new building: Beton Hala Waterfront Center and the surrounding area near the Sava Port.
Purpose of the Competition
The purpose of the architectural competition is to choose, on the basis of a comparison of designs submitted, the best entry by a participant capable of creating the most suitable design in fulfillment of the promoter’s requirements as laid down in these Terms, Program and Relevant Documents.
Josep Acebillo, architect, Barcelona, Spain
Dr Kurt Puchinger, architect, Wien, Austria
Dr Darko Radovic, architect, Tokyo, Japan
Roberto Simon, architect, Brazil
Dragan Djilas, Mayor, City of Belgrade, Serbia
Vladimir Lojanica, architect, Belgrade, Serbia
Milica Grozdanic, architect, Belgrade, Serbia
I prize: 30.000 Euro
II prize: 20.000 Euro
III prize: 10.000 Euro
2 Honorable Mentions: 5.000 Euro each
The Promoter undertakes to pay the prize money within 50 days of the announcement of the competition results.
If for a reason due to the Promoter decision, no contract for carrying out the project has been signed within twenty four months of the announcement of the jury’s award, the first prize winner shall receive as compensation a further sum equal to the amount of the first prize.
In so compensating the first prize winner the promoter takes on the obligation to carry on the project development in collaboration with the author.
The winning entry / entries will be incorporated in the city planning documents as far as possible, in their entirety or in parts.
Entry Fee
200 Euro
Plans shall be submitted on a maximum of 8 separate sheets, format A1 (594x841mm) landscape position.
Submission Address
Palmoticeva 30
Announcement of winners: 13.05.2011
Exhibition opening date: 17.06.2011
the City of Belgrade
Official Website